The Hammonton Swim Club has adopted guidelines outlined by the State of New Jersey in accordance to Executive Order No. 153 (2020) pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:26-1.3.
• All personnel will be trained on COVID-19 awareness, cleaning, and sanitizing duties on premises. This will be documented and logged.
• Lifeguards and Pool Managers (Ambassadors) will monitor and encourage social distancing of all patrons.
• The manager on duty will be assigned the COVID contact person.
• Signs will be posted for all personal protective equipment acquisition and distribution.
• The manager on duty will report any non-compliance to Hammonton Local Police.
• All staff will be screened prior to shifts. Temperatures will be taken. Symptoms will be noted.
• Entry / Exit Gate will have signs to avoid congregation.
• Signs will be posted for patrons to stay home if they have any symptoms of COVID
• 50% Capacity will be monitored at all times using our electronic touchless entry check-in system.
• Lifeguards will enforce distancing in pool area at all times.
• Managers and Lifeguards will follow standard 911 procedures for transporting people with signs of COVID.
• Sanitation schedule will be posted for staff and patrons. High traffic and high touch areas will be frequently cleaned.
• Members will be recommended to not bring pool equipment into the water.
• There will be NO lost & found onsite. Anything left for the day will be discarded.
• Signs will be posted for foot coverings to be required for restroom areas as well as occupancy limitations as well.
• Patrons and Staff are encouraged to wear masks while not in the pool and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
• Common areas will have signs denoting six feet of spacing to prevent congregation.
• Tables and chairs will be distanced across the grounds for social distancing.
• Signs, announcements, and website will be promoting hygiene and social distancing.
• Emergency evacuation procedures have been modified to ensure social distancing.
• Lifeguards and Pool Managers (Ambassadors) will monitor and encourage social distancing of all patrons.
• The manager on duty will be assigned the COVID contact person.
• Signs will be posted for all personal protective equipment acquisition and distribution.
• The manager on duty will report any non-compliance to Hammonton Local Police.
• All staff will be screened prior to shifts. Temperatures will be taken. Symptoms will be noted.
• Entry / Exit Gate will have signs to avoid congregation.
• Signs will be posted for patrons to stay home if they have any symptoms of COVID
• 50% Capacity will be monitored at all times using our electronic touchless entry check-in system.
• Lifeguards will enforce distancing in pool area at all times.
• Managers and Lifeguards will follow standard 911 procedures for transporting people with signs of COVID.
• Sanitation schedule will be posted for staff and patrons. High traffic and high touch areas will be frequently cleaned.
• Members will be recommended to not bring pool equipment into the water.
• There will be NO lost & found onsite. Anything left for the day will be discarded.
• Signs will be posted for foot coverings to be required for restroom areas as well as occupancy limitations as well.
• Patrons and Staff are encouraged to wear masks while not in the pool and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
• Common areas will have signs denoting six feet of spacing to prevent congregation.
• Tables and chairs will be distanced across the grounds for social distancing.
• Signs, announcements, and website will be promoting hygiene and social distancing.
• Emergency evacuation procedures have been modified to ensure social distancing.
We appreciate your support and cooperation through these challenging times!